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İrem Tuncer-Ebetürk


Research Fellow

WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Irem Tuncer-Ebetürk is a sociologist interested in globalization, international non-governmental organizations, sociology of law, and human rights. She received her PhD from the Department of Sociology of Emory University, USA, her MA and BA from Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Currently Tuncer-Ebetürk focuses on globalisation of certain women’s and children’s rights legislations and the backlash against those. In relation to that she study the rise of populist and authoritarian regimes in a comparative perspective. Finally, Tuncer-Ebetürk researches global cultural norms and how international non-governmental organizations negotiate such norms in times of backlash.



Ebeturk, I., & O. Cowart (2017).
Criminalization of forced marriage in Europe: A qualitative comparative analysis. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 58(3), 169-191.


Strasser, S., I. Tuncer, & . Sungur (2010).
Ehe und Ehre im Wandel: Arrangement und Zwang in der Türkei [Marriage and honor in transformation: arranged and forced in Turkey]. In S. Strasser & E. Holzleithner (Eds.), Multikulturalismus queer gelesen: Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften, Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse 41. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 197-217.

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