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Prof. Dr. Silvia von Steinsdorff


Head of Project

Silvia von Steinsdorff holds the Chair of Comparative Political Science and the Political Systems of Eastern Europe since 2009. Since 2009 she is also Academic Director of the International Masters Programs and since 2015 Director of the Berlin Graduate School of Social Science.
Her main research interests are - among others - in the intersection of law and politics (in particular, constitutional courts and constitutional politics), organization and impact of parliament and party systems as well as questions of democratization and transformation (in particular Eastern Europe and Turkey). Accordingly, she teaches - next to the introductory courses in German Politics - courses on law and politics, comparative analysis of political institutions, as well as on research design and qualitative methods.

Selected Publications


Steinsdorff, S. v. (2018).

(Verfassungs-)Richterliches Entscheiden.

In C. Boulanger et. al. (Eds.), Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung,

Springer Verlag, 205-224.


Steinsdorff, S. v. (2018).

Demokratischer Rechtsstaat und liberale Demokratie: Unscharfe Grenzen im europäischen Verfassungsraum. In M. Hein, F. Petersen & S. v. Steinsdorff (Eds.), Die Grenzen der Verfassung. Sonderband der Zeitschrift fur Politik.


Steinsdorff, S. v. (2018).
Verfassungsgeschichte Russlands. In A. Benz, H. J. Lauth & S. Bröchler (Eds.), Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte 5. Dietz Verlag.


Steinsdorff, S. v. & Petersen, F. (2016).
Die "Kopftuch"-Debatte(n) der Gerichte: Bezüge zwischen der Rechtsprechung des EGMR und nationalen Verfassungs- und Obergerichten in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und der Türkei. In B. Rehder & I. Schneider (Eds.), Gerichtsverbünde, Grundrechte und Politikfelder in Europa 10, Nomos, 177-232.

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