Grażyna Baranowska
Senior Researcher
Institute of Law Studies
Polish Academy of Science
Grażyna Baranowska holds a PhD in international law from the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2016), and two M.Sc.: in European Studies (2009) and Turkish Philology (2011) from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. She is a Postdoctoral Researcher of the HERA-funded MELA Consortium (Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspectives Previously she has worked in the Bundestag (Internationales Parlaments Stipendium, 2013) and in the project “Fostering Human Rights Among European (Internal and External) Policies” funded under the EU’s 7 Framework Programme. She is a recipient of the 2018 Fellowship of the Foundation for Polish Science for outstanding achievements (START). Her primary research areas are international human rights law, memory laws, enforced disappearances, missing persons and constitutional law.
Selected Publications
Baranowska, G. (2018).
Advances and progress in the obligation to return the remains of missing and forcibly disappeared persons. International Review of the Red Cross, 99(2).
Baranowska, G. (2018).
Families of disappeared persons in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. European Human Rights Law Review, 5.
Baranowska, G. & A. Gliszczyńska-Grabias (2018).
“Right to truth” and Memory Laws: General Implications. Polish Political Science Yearbook, 47(1).
Baranowska, G. (2016).
The families of disappeared persons in the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Human Rights Advisory Panel in Kosovo. International Journal of Rule of Law, Transitional Justice and Human Rights, 7.
Baranowska, G. & A. Gliszczyńska-Grabias (2016).
The European Court of Human Rights on Nazi and Soviet past in Central and Eastern Europe. Polish Political Science Yearbook, 45(1).