Aylin Aydın-Çakır

Assistant Professor
Political Science and International Relations Department
Yeditepe University
Aylin Aydın-Çakır holds a PhD degree in Political Science from Sabancı University, a MA degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Sabancı University and a BA degree in International Relations from Bilkent University. Before joining Yeditepe University as Assistant Professor, she had been at Emory University as a visiting research fellow. Aylin was awarded with Young Scientist Award (BAGEP) by Science Academy in 2017. Aydın-Çakır has taught various courses including comparative politics, research methods, Turkish foreign policy, and comparative democracy Practices at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Her research interests include judicial politics, comparative political institutions, comparative constitutions, public opinion and empirical research methods. Supported by the re:constitution fellowship programme, in the academic year of 2019/20 Aydın-Çakır will be based at Utrecht University, School of Law as a visiting scholar.
Selected Publications
Aydın Çakır, A. (2018).
The impact of judicial preferences and political context on constitutional court decisions: Evidence from Turkey. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 16(4).
Aydın Çakır, A., & G. Arıkan AkdaÄŸ (2017).
An empirical analysis of the change in Turkish foreign policy under the AKP government. Turkish Studies, 18(2), 334-357.
Aydın Çakır, A., & E. ÅžekercioÄŸlu (2016).
Public confidence in the judiciary: The interaction between political awareness and level of democracy. Democratization, 23(4), 634-656.
Aydın-Çakır, A. (2014).
Judicialization of politics by elected politicians: The theory of strategic litigation. Political Research Quarterly, 67(3), 489-503.
Aydın, A. (2013).
Judicial independence across democratic regimes: Understanding the varying impact of political competition. Law & Society Review, 47(1), 105-134.